Pet Microchipping Services in Highlands Ranch, CO
We had a Siberian Husky brought in to us and we scanned and located the microchip. We contacted Home Again and they contacted the owner. The Husky had been missing for three months and the owners lived in Nevada. The dog was healthy and the parents flew out and were reunited with their beloved pet.
This happy reunion would not have been possible without the use of Microchip technology. For this reason, Rocky Mountain Small Animal Hospital views pet microchips as a standard of care for all of our feline and canine patients. With a microchip, your pet can be identified quickly and easily by animal control officers, shelters or at veterinary hospitals. Microchips are safe, unalterable and permanent identification for pets.
Microchipping Near You
Rocky Mountain Small Animal Hospital believes microchipping is the safest, most effective method of pet recovery available, helping reunite more than 15,000 lost pets to their owners every month. To get your pet “chipped”, request an appointment online. or call us at (303) 347-2637.